Welcome to St Patrick’s Catholic Church in Wellington

There has been a Catholic parish in Wellington for around 200 years and in 2006 we celebrated the centenary of the current church building.
Our older parishioners will tell of the many changes they have seen over the years but today we not only enjoy a vibrant parish life of our own but are also proud to be part of the wider Christian community of Telford -notably through our participation in the Telford Christian Council and Churches Together.


I hope your visit to this website proves useful but if you need further information, do not hesitate to use the “Contact Us” facility – all comments and suggestions welcome.

59 sanctuary close high res copyIf you are a visitor and come along to join in our Christian worship at St Patrick’s or at Our Lady’s, we will be more than pleased to see you!

God Bless
Fr Ravi Bosco
Parish Priest