
Confessions are held after the 6.15 pm Mass on Saturdays and by request to Fr Alban

First Communion instruction is through the Parish. Details are usually available from mid-DecemberĀ  and lessons take placeĀ  from the end of January till Easter. Children receive the sacrament in small groups, during normal Masses, throughout May and June.

Communion is regularly distributed to the sick of the parish by the Parish Priest and a team of Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.

Arrangements must be made with the priest at least 4 weeks in advance. Baptisms are normally conducted at 12.30 pm after the Sunday 11.00 Mass but can take place during the Mass on request. An explanatory leaflet is available in the Porch.


The Bishop visits the Deanery each year, usually in June, to administer Confirmations. Candidates or their parents should contact the Parish Priest at least 3 months in advance

Normally at least 6 months notice is required of a wedding. The preparation takes time in order to fulfil both civil and church laws. An information sheet is available from Father Alban to explain the process.

Sacrament of the Sick

Princess Royal Hospital: Relatives of sick persons who would like them to be anointed should ask the Ward Sister to contact the Duty Catholic Chaplain.
(For information: Lay Hospital Visitors visit patients twice a week and will also offer Holy Communion)
For sick visits at home contact Father Alban

Anyone interested in learning more about Vocations to the priesthood or religious life should speak to Father Alban